- osho after his enlightenment
- 奥 profound; abstruse; difficul ...
- 修 embellish; decorate
- 以后 after; later on; afterwards; ...
- 奥修描述开悟 osho describes enlightenment
- 奥修宣称21人开悟 osho declares twenty-one people enlightened
- 开悟 vyutpadayati
- 奥修谈论他离开身体以后 osho talks about when he leaves the body
- 奥修 osho
- 以后 after; later on; afterwards; later; hereafter 以后的岁月 afteryears; 自上次写信以后, 我没有接到过他的信。 i have not heard from him since writing last. 至于以后怎样, 我就不知道了 。 i don't know what happened later on
- 检修开关 inspection switch
- 出窍开悟经验 happened in hk
- 从苦痛到开悟》 from misery to enlightenment
- 近代开悟的佛 les bouddhas contemporains qui se sont illuminés
- 此后,以后 thereafter
- 后来,以后 afterward
- 将来,以后 in the future
- 今后,以后 in future
- 随后,以后 later on
- 以后, 随后 later
- 以后,随后 afterward
- 以后,过后 later on
- 以后,后来 later on
- 以后的 oncoming; posterior; subsequent; succeeding
- 以后见 bbiaf; bblaf; be back in a few
- 在以后 following:after in time as a sequel to