Abstract : based onmethods of foreign countries of using wi nd tunnel test and numerical flow simulation , optimum nose a nd tail shapes ofhigh - speed trains are studied to achieve optimum aerodynamic performance so as to efficiently reduce the influence of theaerodynamic phenome na on the train operation and the environment . research results of foreign countr ies are introduced 文摘:针对国外利用以风洞模型模拟试验和以流场数值模拟计算为主的方法来寻求高速列车最佳的头尾部形状,使列车的综合气动性能最佳,从而有效地降低空气动力学现象对列车运行和周围环境的影响进行了探讨,介绍了国外在此方面取得的主要成果。