失真 1.[无线电] distortion; anamorphose 频率失真 frequency distortion2.(跟原来的有出入) (of voice, images, etc.) lack fidelity; not be true to the original 这张照片有点失真。 the picture isn't somewhat true to the original
范围 scope; limits; extent; boundary; confines; range; range dimension; spectrum 活动范围 scope of activities; 势力范围 sphere of influence; 范围狭小 limited in scope; 国家管辖范围 the limits of national jurisdiction; 在法律许可范围内 within the limits permitted by law; 在协定规定的范围内 within the framework of the agreement; 这个问题在小组范围内进行了酝酿。 this question was discussed within the confines of the group. 这不属于我们研究的范围。 this is outside the range of our study
Power : put to say to , and the sum settle the power to is just valid index sign that evaluate the to put the function . it points within the scope of certain of the wave lose true , and the make longer a work can biggest power of the output s . enlarger while connecting into the box of the different resistance that exportation power can have different , usually the enlarger can mark clearly its sum to settle the exportation resistance ; for example a sum that set enlarger while loading a resistance to settle the exportation power to the , and load the resistance to may increase the the above . because the power there is method of various marks , some and illegal factory to can have intention to exaggerate the data , purchase or choose the hour to want with physically hear the to take in to distinct , comparison 它是指在一定的谐波失真范围内,功放长期工作所能输出的最大功率。放大器在接入不同阻抗的音箱时的输出功率会有所不同,通常放大器会标明其额定输出阻抗例如一台放大器在负载音箱阻抗为时的额定输出功率为,负载阻抗为时就可能增加到以上。因为功率有多种标法,某些不法厂商会有意夸大数据,购买或选配时要以实际听音加以区别比较。