the remotest corners of the globe; ends of the earth; jumping-off place; many different parts of the country; remote regions; remotest corners [regions] of the earth; the end of the sky and the corners of the sea; the four corners of the earth; the horizon of heaven and end of earth; (go to) the uttermost ends of the earth; the world's end
我愿跟随他,跟随他到天涯海角 i will follow him, follow him wherever he may go,
海角天涯 the corners of the sea and the end of the sky - - far-off regions; the corners of the world; (go to) the ends of the earth; the (ultimate) ends of the world; the four corners of the earth; the remotest corners [regions] of the earth; the utmost ends [regions; parts] of the earth
天涯海角(普通话拼音:Tiānyá Hǎijiǎo;英文意译:Edges of the heaven, corners of the sea)是中华人民共和国海南省三亚市的一处著名海滨风景旅游区,相传一对情侣只要一起走到天涯海角就可一生一世拥有对方,位于三亚市区西面24千米处。
天涯海角的法语:aux confins du monde;au bout du monde aux quatre coins du monde;au bout du monde aux confins du mond extrémités de la mer;bout du monde;les confins de la mer et du cie les bouts de l'univers les extré...