- 大鼓 bass drum dagu
- 声 sound; voice
- 大鼓 1.[音乐] bass drum2.(曲艺的一种) dagu (versified story sung to the accompaniment of a small drum and other instruments)
- 鼓声 tum 隆隆鼓声 the roll of drums; 远处的鼓声 a distant drum
- 大鼓锤 striker
- 大鼓励 guilio nuccio
- 大鼓舞 ta ku wu
- 大鼓音 bruit de tabourka; bruit de tambour
- 双大鼓 twin bass/ double bass/ twin kick
- 鼓,鼓声 drum
- 敲鼓声 rataplan
- 钟鼓声 chime
- 安徽大鼓 anhui dagu
- 大鼓底鼓 bass/ bass drum/ kick/ kick drum
- 低音鼓,大鼓 bass drum
- 对干大鼓 face the base
- 京韵大鼓 story-telling in beijing dialect with drum accompaniment
- 梨花大鼓 a popuplar entertainment in which the singer sings folk songs to the accompaniment of drum by herself
- 木板大鼓 board drum
- 我会敲大鼓 i can play the drum
- 窗下鼓声 drums under windows
- 鼓声电台 apintie
- 鼓声机器 drum machine
- 鼓声交响曲 drum-roll symphony
- 鼓声震地 drums rolled as though the earth was rending