大观 grand sight; magnificent spectacle 蔚为大观 present a magnificent spectacle
观念 sense; idea; concept; perception 私有观念 private ownership mentality; 组织观念 sense of organization; 增强党的观念 strengthen one's sense of responsibility to the party
Achieving five conceptual changes in college education 实现大学教育的五大观念转变
Six points of ideology that should be insured in representing advanced productive forces 代表先进生产力发展要求必须确立六大观念
First of all . it has a brief analysis of environment ( domestic and oversea ) , points out the challenges and opportunities confronting the aid - the - poor program by tourism in southwest of china , puts forward its polestar , five concepts including comprehensive view , systematic view , harmony view , open view and innovation view and six basic principles including sustainable development principle , the tenet of the aid - the poor principle , government leading principle , market mechanism principle and local characteristics principle , gives rise to general hints , which are oriented by the tenet of the aid - the - poor program and through tourism development , mainly explores its six key joints including conception establishment of appt ; target identity and spot - positioning of appt : scientific tourism programming : tourism resource development and management : effect measurement of appt : summing up experiences and generalize the new mode and five general modes , which comprise mode of developing agriculture industry together wit h tourism industry ; mode of tourism places to aid the poor ; mode of non - local allocation ; mode of government aid and support ; mode of the initial rich to help the poor and so on 首先,对我国西南地区旅游扶贫所处的国内外环境做了简要分析,指出了其所面临的机遇与挑战,提出了其指导思想、应树立的“全局观、系统观、协调观、开放观和创新观”等五大观念和应遵循的“可持续发展、扶贫宗旨、贫困人口参与、政府主导、市场机制和地域特色等”六项基本原则、给出了以“扶贫为宗旨,以旅游开发为途径”的总体思路、重点探讨了其“旅游扶贫观念确立、旅游扶贫目标识别与选点定位、旅游规划、旅游资源开发与管理、旅游扶贫效果测评、总结经验,推广模式等”六个关键环节和“亦农亦旅、景区帮扶、异地安置、政府扶持与先富助贫”等五个一般模式。
Founded on the above - mentioned research and under the concept of land reclamation and garrisoning the frontiers of xpcg , an effective mechanism and allocation mode of forces have been set up in this paper , the mode can not only indraft but also maintain new farmers and let every farmer do his best according to his lights to ensure economy development , social stability and national unity in xpcg , then progress to strengthen national defence and stabilize the frontiers in china 以上述工作为基础,结合对兵团农场特殊性分析,从屯垦戍边的大观念下构建适合目前兵团农场现实的劳动力引进机制和配置模式。通过这些机制和模式的构建,使兵团农场劳动力“引得来,留得住” 、 “人尽其才,才尽其用” ,从而为兵团经济的发展、社会的稳定和民族的团结,进而为巩固国防和稳定边疆做出贡献。