She made me go to church in a silk hat and a frock-coat . 她强拉着我戴着丝绸帽子,穿着大礼服去做礼拜。
Saw him looking at my frockcoat 我发现他在打量我的大礼服。
He looked rather out of place when he turned up in full ceremonial rig 当他穿着全套大礼服露面的时候,显得和整个场合很不协调。
Clad in royal purple and ermine , he was seated upon a throne which was at the same time both simple and majestic 国王穿着用紫红色和白底黑花的毛皮做成的大礼服,坐在一个很简单却又十分威严的宝座上。
Because badminton was a gentleman ' s sport and in 19 century , the players wore formal dresses during they were playing 因为羽毛球是一种高尚文雅的运动,可以在十九世纪时,参加羽毛球游戏的人,必须穿著大礼服,衣帽整齐。
On a typical sunday , he would attend church wearing a green coat , an orange tie , a silver vest , white pants and light brown shoes 在普通的礼拜天,他会穿上绿色外套、系上橙色领带、内着银色衬衣、下穿白色长裤和浅棕色鞋(类似当时的大礼服)参加礼拜。
Bloom , in a torn frockcoat stained with whitewash , dinged silk hat sideways on his head , a strip of sticking - plaster across his nose , talks inaudibly 布卢姆身穿沾满石灰水破破烂烂的大礼服,歪戴着瘪下去一块的大礼帽,鼻子上横贴着一条橡皮膏,低声说着话。
A minute later the big , heavy figure of the old man in full parade uniform , his breast covered with orders , and a scarf drawn tight about his bulky person , walked with a rolling gait on to the steps 一分钟后,老人肥胖庞大的身驱摇晃着走出门廊,他身穿大礼服,胸前挂满胸章,腰间缠着一条绶带。