- 大潮 flood tide; syzygial tide; s ...
- 落潮 ebb tide; falling tide
- 大潮落潮流 greater ebb tidal current
- 潮落潮涨 life is led to there,uand down
- 涨潮落潮 ebb and flow; flux and reflux
- 潮落 ebb tude
- 落潮 ebb tide; [海洋学] falling tide◇落潮流 [海洋学] ebb current
- 大潮 flood tide; syzygial tide; spring tide◇大潮差 spring range; macrotidal range; 大潮潮流 [海洋学] spring tidal current
- 潮起潮落 turn of the tide
- 潮涨潮落 the ebb and flow
- 风停潮落 the storm dies down and the tide runs out
- 半落潮 half ebb; half-ebb
- 初落潮 beginning of ebb; young ebb
- 大落潮 greater ebb
- 落潮,回流 reflow
- 落潮;退潮 ebb tide
- 落潮差 tidal fall
- 落潮量 ebb tidal volume; edd tide volume
- 落潮流 ebb and flow; ebb current; ebb stream; ebb tidal current; head tide
- 落潮锚 ebb anchor
- 落潮末 end of ebb
- 退潮, 落潮 ebb-tide
- 春潮;大潮 ring tide; ringtide
- 大潮;主潮 major tide
- 大潮差 macrotidal range; spring range; spring tide range