Adaptive grid techniques through a variational approach are applied to two shock problems with exact solutions . more grid points are redistributed in the shock regions in response to numerical solution and thus the shock can be captured successfully . the results show the techniques have excellent qualities in improving accuracy of numerical solution and reducing cpu time 利用变分原理的自适应网格技术被应用到两个有解析解的激波问题上,它能根据问题的求解,在解的大梯度区自动加密网格,从而非常成功地算出了激波。通过分析发现自适应网格技术在提高精度减少运行时间方面显示了优良的性能。
Important missing aspects are : turbulent flow , numerical discretization techniques specially the relevant and difficult topic of numerical treatment of advection and related numerical methods of solution , variable property fluids , boundary layers , stability , etc . rather , it focuses on more primitive and fundamental issues of numerical treatment of advective equation and proper formulation of initial boundary value ( ib vp ) . numerical problems associated with advective dominated transport include spurious oscillation , numerical dispersion , peak clipping , and grid oriention . however , the key of numerical solution of three - dimensional advective problem is searching for a high - precision interpolating function , which can keep the computational stability and low damping 3 、针对三维纯对流方程提出了实用的拟协调单元模式,并与线性插值模式和协调单元模式比较后表明,在物理量大梯度变化的情况下,线性插值模式会产生较大的数值阻尼,导致解的失真;协调单元模式具有极高的计算精度和良好的计算稳定性,还可较好地克服数值阻尼,但由于计及物理量的二阶导数项,计算工作量大,边界条件给定尚存在一定的困难;而拟协调单元模式不仅具有协调单元模式计算精度高的优点,还避免了物理量的二阶导数项,可大大地减少计算工作量。