- 大 big; large
- 滋养 nourish
- 体 body; part of the body
- 滋养体 trophczoite; trophozoite
- 巨核,大核,滋养核 somatic nucleus
- 阿米巴滋养体 amebic trophozoite
- 刚地弓形虫滋养体 trophozoites of toxoplasma gondii
- 棘阿米巴滋养体 acaflthanloeba sptrophozoitee
- 三日疟原虫滋养体 trophozoite of p.malariae
- 大核 macronucleus; meganucleus; trophonucleus
- 布氏嗜碘阿米巴滋养体 trophozoite of iodamoeba buetschlii
- 齿龈内阿米巴滋养体 trophozoite of e. gingivalis; trophozoite of entamoeba gingivalis
- 脆弱双核阿米巴滋养体 trophozoite of dientamoeba fragilis
- 哈门氏内阿米巴滋养体 trophozoite of e.hartmanni
- 间日疟原虫大滋养体 large trophozoite of p.vivax
- 结肠内阿米巴滋养体 trophozoite of e.coli
- 结肠小袋纤毛虫滋养体 trophozoite of balantidium coli
- 蓝氏贾第鞭毛虫滋养体 giardia lainblia trophozoites stained with wright; trophozoite of giardia lamblia
- 迈氏唇鞭毛虫滋养体 trophozoite of chilomastix mesnili
- 溶组织内阿米巴滋养体 eintamoeba histolytica trophozoite stained with iron hematoxylin
- 微小内蜒阿米巴滋养体 trophozoite of endolimax nana
- 营养阶段 营养体时期 滋养期 vegetativestage
- 溶组织内阿米巴肠腔型滋养体 intestinal luminal-type trophozoite of e.histolytica
- 溶组织内阿米巴组织型滋养体 tissue-type trophozoite of e. histolytica; tissue-type trophozoite of entamoeba histolytica
- 滋养 1.(供给养分) nourish 滋养身体 be nourishing; 滋养胃阴 nourishing the stomach-yin2.(养分) nutriment; nourishment 丰富的滋养 rich nutriment; 滋养品 nourishing food; nourishment; nutriment; foison