- 大 big; large
- 改正 correct; amend; put right
- 海图 sea chart; marine chart; nau ...
- 海图大改正 chart large correction; chartlargecorrection
- 大改正 large correction
- 大改正改版 large correction
- 大改正版日期 date of large corrections
- 海图改正 chart correction; chartcorrection
- 海图小改正 chart small correction; chartsmallcorrection
- 海图改正日期 date of chart ccorrections; date of chart corrections
- 海图改正贴图 chart block
- 胡正海 zheng-hai hu
- 李正海 li zhenghai
- 王正海 wang zhenghai
- 正海胆 echinoneus
- 海图 [航] sea chart; marine chart; nautical chart; blueback (非英国海军部出版的)◇海图集 naval atlas
- 改正 correct; amend; put right◇改正液 correction fluid
- 大改变 aboutface; about-turn
- 大改革 big bang; sweep
- 大改观 make a big difference
- 大改造 star reformer; yezhudagaizao
- 正海百合 homocrinus
- 正海滨线 positive shoreline
- 正海蕾纲 eublastoidea
- 大大改进的 heavily-modified