战争 war; warfare 战争的双方 the two sides in a war; both belligerents; 医治战争创伤 heal the war wounds; 战争赔款 reparation of war; 战争边缘政策 brink of war policy; brinkmanship; 战争财政 wartime finance; 战争储备 war reserves; 战争对策 war game; 战争法规 laws of war; jus belli; 战争贩子 warmonger; 战争狂 war mania; war hysteria; 战争冒险 war venture; war gamble; 战争赔偿 reparations of war; 战争赔款 indemnity of war; 战争升级 war escalation; 战争物资储备 storage of war materials; 战争形势 war situation; 战争行为 act of war; 战争性质 nature of war; 战争学 polemology; 战争状态 state of war; 战争准备 war preparation; 战争罪犯 war criminal; 战争罪行 war crime
Some slight incident may touch off a major war 某个小事件可能会引发大战争。
The great yokai war 2 disc special edition 妖怪大战争双碟特别版
According to legend , he is said to have exclaimed , " so this is the little lady who made this big war ? 据说林肯当时曾大叫:这就是引起大战争的女士小姐呀!
The calendar of ganareth exists in multiple versions , the most recent ones being only simplifications of the original calendar that was established during the big war 加纳内斯大陆既存的日历有多个版本,最近的版本是在大战争时期确立的,它简化于原始的日历。