Global ocean angular momentum variability and geodetic constraint 全球海洋角动量变化及其大地测量的约束
Tide correction should be scientifically defined in the geodetic data processing 中国大地测量的数据处理要科学界定潮汐改正计算
The work of this paper may offer some reference and gist for research on astrometry and geodesy 本文的工作可为天文大地测量的研究提供一定的参考和依据。
With the development of space geodesy techniques ( vlbi , llr , slr and gps , et al . ) , the application of classical geodesy and astrometry became less and less in application , but it is indispensability technique in absolute orientation of geodesy , launch of mid and long - distance arms , and in other scientific domains 随着空间大地测量技术( vlbi 、 llr 、 slr和gps等)的发展,虽然天文测量在应用上有所减少,但在大地测量的绝对定位和中远程武器的发射等领域中仍然是不可替代的技术。