

  • a great man becomes famous late in life.; a great man will succeed late in life.; a great talent takes time to mature.; a great vessel will be long in completion.; great instruments are never quickly forged.; great men [minds] mature slowly.; great vessels are late in completion.; great vessels take years to produce -- great minds mature slowly.; rome was not built in a day



  • 例句与用法
  • He reached success late in life .
  • Rome was not built in a ( = one ) day
  • He was a late bloomer in basketball , though , so his age shouldn ' t mean much in terms of projecting future development
    这段你把“虽然”改成“所以”吧? ? “他在篮球上有些大器晚成,所以(这样一来)他的年龄意味着他在未来的潜力开发上难有大作为。 ”
  • The late - blooming1 bush was a failure at 40 . but he changed his life and is now the president of the united states . here ' s how he did it
  • For we know only of the “ late bloomers ” who have eventually come to bloom at all ; we don ' t know the potential late bloomers who , cut off from support and response in their youth , never manage to come into their own at all
    我们只知道那些最终有所成就的“大器晚成者” ;然而我们却不知道那些在幼年失去支持和关注的潜在的“晚成者”最终未能成功。
  • In 2005 , some people wanted the word " brainstorming ( 1 ) " replaced by " thought shower " so as not to offend people with brain disorders , and they also wanted " deferred ( 2 ) success " to replace " failure " so as not to embarrass those who don ' t succeed
    2005年,人们希望用“想法狂潮”取代“大脑风暴” ,避免冒犯头脑混乱的病人,用“大器晚成”取代“失败” ,以免使那些还没有成功的人感到尴尬。
  • Late trumpeter davis was one of the most celebrated , enigmatic and experimental musicians of the modern jazz era , flirting with everything from standards to fusion and rock ( 1970 ' s bitches brew ) during his 50 - year career
    在50年的职业生涯中,大器晚成的小号家戴维斯是摩登爵士时代中最有名的、最高深的和最具实验精神的音乐家之一,从传统爵士到融合再到摇滚( 1970年的“泼妇酿造”专辑)的每种音乐间尽情玩乐。
  • 其他语种释义
  • 大器晚成的日语:〈成〉大器晩成.大人物は遅れて大成する.
  • 大器晚成的韩语:【성어】 대기만성.
  • 大器晚成的俄语:pinyin:dàqìwǎnchéng большой сосуд долго делается (обр. в знач.: только время формирует человека)
  • 大器晚成什么意思:dà qì wǎn chéng 【解释】指能担当重任的人物要经过长期的锻炼,所以成就较晚。也用做对长期不得志的人的安慰话。 【出处】《老子》:“大方无隅,大器晚成。” 【示例】二位先生高才久屈,将来定是~的。(清·吴敬梓《儒林外史》第四十九回) 【拼音码】dqwc 【灯谜面】百岁挂帅;夜校出人才 【用法】主谓式;作谓语、宾语、定语;指年纪大才成才 【英文】great minds matu...
  • 推荐英语阅读
大器晚成的英文翻译,大器晚成英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译大器晚成,大器晚成的英文意思,大器晚成的英文大器晚成 meaning in English大器晚成的英文大器晚成怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
