他在大庭广众中大出洋相 he cut a poor figure on a public occasion
出洋相 (闹笑话; 出丑) make an exhibition of oneself; make a scene; play the fool; make a (sorry) spectacle of oneself; make oneself a laughingstock for all; bear the cap and bells; cut a poor [miserable] figure 你不要出洋相。 don't make a spectacle of yourself
大出血 amount lost hemorrhage; excessive bleeding; heavy bleeding; hematorrhea; hemorrhea; hemorrhoea; macroerythroblast; make a big markdown; massive hemorrhage; profuse bleeding
大出风头 cut a dash [figure]; enjoy great popularity; make a hit 虽然他想大出风头, 不过我以为他没有什么可炫耀的。 although he wants to make a hit, i think he hasn't got much to show off