night; nighttime; in the nighttime; at night 短语和例子
夜间施工 carry on construction work at night; 在夜间 by night; 夜间飞行 night flying; 夜间轰炸机 night bomber; 夜间活动 nocturnalism; 夜间磨牙 bruxism; 夜间起飞 night takeoff; 夜间入屋盗窃罪 burglary; 夜间训练 night training;夜间演习night exercise;夜间遗精nocturnal emission
His night vision is not quite good enough . 他夜间 的视力达不到标准。 The fire in the stove was banked up at night .夜间 炉火是封起来的。 Phantom horsemen rode by in the night . 幽灵似的骑马人在夜间 催马而过。 A nocturnal animal hunts its food at night .夜间 活动的动物在夜间猎食。 Daylight disbanded the phantom crew . 曙光终于驱散了夜间 所有的魍魉鬼怪。 She sleeps by day and works by night . 她白天睡觉,夜间 工作。 The wind strengthened during the night . 风在夜间 刮得更猛了。 Many wild animals prowl at night . 众多的野兽在夜间 寻觅食物 Her husband was taken to hospital during the night . 她丈夫在夜间 被送进医院。 The car windscreen frosted over during the night . 汽车的挡风玻璃在夜间 结了霜。
夜间的法语 :nuit nuitamment夜间的日语 :夜.夜間. 夜间行军/夜間行軍. 为了抓紧 zhuājǐn 完成,夜间也施工 shīgōng /完成を急ぐために夜間も工事をする.夜间的韩语 :[명사] 야간. 밤사이. 밤. 夜间戒严; 야간 계엄 夜间行军; 야간 행군 夜间战斗机; 야간 전투기 =[夜里(头)] [夜来]夜间的俄语 :[yèjian] ночью; в ночное время夜间什么意思 :yè jiān 夜里。