- round the clock; day and night; continue the day by night; day in, day out; lengthen the day by taking in the night
夜以继日地工作 go on working night and day -- round the clock; work day and night (continuously); 工程正在夜以继日地进行。 work on the project is going on day and night
- Work on the project is going on day and night .
工程正在夜以继日地进行。 - He ran a day and night line, copying by sun-light and by candle-light .
他白天靠日光,夜晚藉烛光,夜以继日地抄写。 - I studied night and day and within two weeks i was promoted to the sixth grade .
我夜以继日地学习,不到两周就跳到六年级了。 - The factories hummed and the whole british nation toiled night and day .
在工厂里机器之声震耳欲聋,整个不列颠民族夜以继日地辛勤劳动。 - Inside the department she was a hard taskmaster, who expected everyone to work as hard as she did .
在部里,她是个让人望而生畏的“工头”。她要求每个人都象她一样,夜以继日地工作。 - I am pushing my workers day and night to produce paper ,
我督促工人夜以继日的工作 - We have worked day and night for a whole week
我们已夜以继日地工作了一整周。 - He studied round the clock for his toefl examinations
他夜以继日地准备托福考试。 - He keeps working in the laboratory day and night
他夜以继日地在实验室工作。 - They attended day after night on the patients
- 夜以继日的法语:jour et nuit;la nuit comme le jour
- 夜以继日的日语:〈成〉夜を日に継ぐ.昼夜兼行をする.▼“日以继夜”ともいう. 工程正在夜以继日地进行/工事が昼夜兼行で進められている.
- 夜以继日的韩语:【성어】 밤낮없이. 낮과 밤이 따로 없이 계속하다. 夜以继日地努力工作; 밤낮없이 애써 일하다 =[日以继夜]
- 夜以继日的俄语:[yè yǐ jì rì] обр. и днём и ночью; круглые сутки
- 夜以继日什么意思:yè yǐ jì rì 【解释】晚上连着白天。形容加紧工作或学习。 【出处】《孟子·离娄下》:“仰而思之,夜以继日。” 【拼音码】yyjr 【灯谜面】明 【用法】偏正式;作谓语、定语、状语;用于工作等 【英文】day and night