- promote in multiple channels
- 传播 disseminate; propagate; spre ...
- 多渠道冲突 multichannel conflict
- 多渠道筹资 raise money through various channels
- 多渠道分销 multic cqxxh annel distribution; multicha eldistribution; multichannel distribution
- 多渠道服务 multi-channel access
- 多渠道销售 multi-channel
- 开辟更多渠道 open more channels
- 成名有许多渠道 there are many ways to fame
- 多渠道分销系统 multi-channel marketing system
- 多渠道增资减债 increase capital and reduce debts through various channels
- 通过多渠道集资 to raise funds through multiple channels
- 资金来源多渠道 diversification of funding source
- 封闭通道传播 non optical propagation; non-optical propagation
- 跨越赤道传播 transequatorial propagation
- 传播渠道 channels of communication; communication channels
- 呼吸道传播因子 respiratory-transmitted agent
- 数据信道传播时间 data channel propagation time
- 多层次,多渠道筹集资金 raise money through various means
- 多层次多渠道筹集资金 raise money through various means
- 多渠道提高直接融资比重 to raise the proportion of direct financing through multiple channels
- 国际多渠道促进教育行动小组 international multi-channel action groufor education
- 开放式,多渠道,少环节的流通体制 open,multi-channel circulation system with fewer intermediate links
- 开放式多渠道少环节的流通体制 open multi channel circulation system with fewer intermediate links
- 渠道 1.(引水灌溉的水道) irrigation ditch; canal; channel 开掘渠道把水引进沙漠。 canals have been built to take water to the desert.2.(途径) medium of communication; channel 通过各种渠道 through various channels; 通过外交渠道 through diplomatic channels; 通过文化交流的渠道 through the medium of cultural exchange
- 郑道传 zheng daochuan