

  • multiple management



  • 例句与用法
  • The compensation mechanism for watershed ecology in china has many shortcomings , such as lack of funds , inverse position of right part and duty part , market defect , and multifarious administrations
  • However , for a long time , our pharmaceutical commercial enterprises are in fact under the condition of " non - management " because of too much administrative protection , a rigid system , chaotic order and multilateral management , compared with pharmaceutical industry enterprises
  • This thesis analyzes comprehensively and systematically the foreign and domestic administration modes of waterway communications and transport , points out the main limitation in administration of waterway communications and transport in our country is departmental division and separate management
  • At the same time , the article analyses the situation appearing during the establishment of our country ’ s present e - government , and finds it is similar to the situation under which america established government cio system , when america got the informationization through the trouble by establishing government cio system and achieved remarkable success , based on this , the article analyses the difficulty which our country will have in establishing government cio and put forward the conception of establishing our country ’ s government cio system . according to the objective reality the purpose of comprehensively studying american government cio system is to give some advice on how to establish our country ’ s government cio system . the article includes four parts
  • The purpose of the thesis is to study the city - water supply in three gorges reservoir areas . according to investigation and a systematic view , the paper analyzes the main reasons of city - water supply . the thesis not only suggests effective methods of resolving water supply and policy measures , but also brings about some technological measures , water supply system in view of sustainable development
  • Through comparison of securities supervision system , issuing market , trading market , serving market and so on among united kingdom , united states , japan and china , we can find that the following problems in our securities supervision : multi - management and inconsistent policies , incomplete jurisdiction system , irregular self - disciplinary system , incomplete verification system of securities issuing market , high risks brought by single type broker dealers , weak securities supervision , backward supervision concept and poor quality of supervisors
  • Trough constrasting the present conditions of the management between in china and abroad and concretely analyzing that of ji gang district . this paper clearly states that we must change our management from a multiple one to a unified one and straighten up the levels to pave the way for the standardization and specialization management of jigang district in future
  • 推荐英语阅读
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