Study on isobaric vapor - liquid equilibrium of methanol - propionic acid - h2o multisystems 水多元系汽液平衡研究
The results also indicate that the suitability of wilson equation and regular solution model to multi - component systems is restricted by the binary systems and temperature 预测结果表明,对多元系热力学性质的预测受二元系的影响较大。
Generally speaking , if the fitted results are not satisfactory for binary systems , the prediction is also bad for multi - component systems that include the binary ones , and the more the temperatures at which the multi - component system is predicted are close to that of the binary systems , the better the predicted results with wilson equation 若对二元系的拟合效果较差,则对包含该二元系的多元系的预测效果也不是很理想。同时,对多元系的预测还受到温度的影响,一般来说,多元系的预测温度与用于拟合参数的二元系的温度越接近,则wilson方程的预测效果越好。