- epidemic febrile disease caused by esopathogen
- epidemic febrile disease caused by exopathogen
- 外感 diseases caused by external ...
- 温病 warm disease
- 伤寒,外感温病 exogenous febrile disease
- 新感温病 instant paroxysm of seasonal febrile disease; instant paroxysm of sfd
- 感温 cd:combination detector
- 外感 [中医] diseases caused by external factors
- 鲍温病 disease bowen
- 高温病 caloric disease
- 马温病 equine distemper
- 犬温病 canine distemper
- 温病派 the school of epidemic febrile diseases
- 温病学 science of epidemic febrile disease of traditional chinese medicine; science of seasonal febrile disease
- 温病灶 warm lesion; warmlesion
- 羊温病 ewe distemper
- 不感温 thermonegative
- 感温包 thermo-bulb
- 感温比 temperature susceptibility ratio
- 感温的 temperature sensitive
- 感温器 flame state; temperature-sensing detector; temperature-sensing device
- 感温性 response to temperature; sensitivity for temperature; thermonasty; thermoresponse; thermosensitivity
- 感温阈 threshold of temperature
- 感温阈, 感温极限 threshold of temperature
- 疏外感 feeling of alienation
- 外感病 disease caused by exogenous pathogenic factor
- 外感受 exteroreception; perception
- 外感温病的法语:maladie fébrile aiguë due au facteur pervers exogène