- 复 repeated; double; duplicate
- 花粉 pollen
- 花粉粒 microdiode; pollen grain; pollen granule; pollen spore; pollengrain
- 旋复花粉 inulin
- 旋复花粉酶 inulinase
- (花粉粒的)外壁 extine
- 花粉粒化石 fossil pollen grain
- 四合花粉粒 four fold pollen grain; four-fold pollengrain; fourfold pollen grain
- 萌芽沟(指花粉粒) germ furrow
- 花粉粒的有丝分裂 pollen grain mitosis
- 花粉粒有丝分裂 pollen grain mitosis; pollen mitosis
- 随机选择花粉粒 randomly-chosen pollen grain
- 栽培植物的花粉粒 pollen grains of cultivated plants; pollengrainsofcultivatedplants
- 复花 multiple-arc method
- 花粉粒在柱头上直接萌发 pollen grains germinate directly on the stigma
- 粉粒 silt; particle
- 花粉 [植物学] pollen◇花粉孢子 pollen spore; 花粉病 pollinosis; pollenosis; hay fever; 花粉盖 stopples; 花粉管 pollen tube; 花粉培养 pollen culture; 花粉刷 brosse; scopa; 花粉食品 pollen food; beebread food
- 复花果 polythalamic fruit
- 复花序 compound inflorescence
- 复花柱 compound style
- 施复花 british inula flower
- 旋复花 british inula flower; british inulaflower; flos inulae
- 糙叶旋复花 plowman's-spikenard
- 恶臭旋复花 sinkwort
- 日本旋复花 inula britannica