- 复数 plural complex number; compl ...
- 复 repeated; double; duplicate
- 性 nature; character; dispositi ...
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 复数的 complex-valued; plural
- 复数;复数形式;复数的 plural
- 复数的辐角 argument of a complex number
- 复数的幅角 argument of complex number
- 复数的极式 polar form of complex number
- 复数的加法 addition of complex quantities
- 复数的模 modulus of a complex number
- 复数的模数 modulus of complex number
- 复数的实部 real-part
- 复数的虚部 imaginary part of complex number
- 复数 1.[语言学] (由词的形容变化等表示的属于两个以上的数量) plural (number)2.[数学] (含有实数和虚数两部分的数) complex number; complex; plurality
- 复数的角度(相位) angel (phase) of complex number
- 复数的绝对值 absolute value of a complex number; magnitude of a complex number
- 波函数的复数共轭 complex conjugate of wave function
- 单复数的比较如 good goods spirits spirit wood woods
- 复数的指数形式 exponential form of complex number
- 箱(复数),盒(复数) bxs. boxes
- chiasma复数 chiasmata
- (刀子)[复数 knives
- (复数)核仁 nucleoli
- (复数)韧带 ligamenta