复员 demobilize 服役期满后复员 be demobilized at the expiration of one's term of service; 复员费 decommission pay; demobilization pay; 复员军人 demobilized soldier [serviceman]; ex-serviceman; 复员令 demobilization order
复员费 decommi ion pay; decommission or demobiliation; decommission pay; demobilizationpay
Producers such as zhang shankun , li zuyong , jiang boying , etc , were no doubt responsible for the rise of the mandarin film industry in hong kong . however , cantonese films still predominated in the 40s and many belonged to the genre of critical social - realist films . classics of the genre include 不过,四十年代仍是以粤语片产量占多,批判现实主义的写实电影是这时期的主流,此等名作包括复员泪四七此恨绵绵无绝期四八有冤无路诉四九等。