- office of the chief of service
- 处长 the head of a department; se ...
- 办公室 office
- 船长办公室 captain's public room
- 村长办公室 mayor's office
- 港长办公室 harbour master's office; harbour master’s office
- 股长办公室 office of the chief of unit
- 科长办公室 office of the chief of section
- 署长办公室 office of the administrator
- 司长办公室 office of the director
- 校长办公室 headmaster's study headmaster's office; president office; principal's office
- 院长办公室 deanery; president's office; president’s office
- 副部长办公室 office of the deputy attorney general
- 副院长办公室 vice president's office; vice president’s office
- 港务长办公室 harbor office
- 监察长办公室 inspector general offices; office of the inspector general
- 轮机长办公室 office of the chief engineer
- 秘书长办公室 office of the secretary general
- 在校长办公室 at the headmaster's office
- 部长办公室主任 director of the office of minister; director of the office of the minister
- 财务司司长办公室 comptroller's division
- 财政司司长办公室 financial secretary's office
- 副秘书长办公室 office of the under secretary general; office of the under-secretary-general; ousg
- 副书记官长办公室 office of the deputy registrar
- 副主计长办公室 office of the deputy controller
- 行政首长办公室 chief executive's office