Some basic acoustics of resonators and sources , source - filter concepts 一些基本的声学理论关于:共鸣体、声源和声源滤波的概念。
Part i deals with background material in the acoustic theory of speech production , acoustic - phonetics , and signal representation 第一部分讲述有关语音生成的声学理论的背景知识,声学-语音学,及信号表达。
Methods of approach to study of speech and language : speech production , acoustics , perception , segments and features , phonology , syntax 著手研究语音和语言的方法:语音的产生、声学理论、 (语音)感知、 (语音)区段和特徵系数、音系学、句子结构。
This paper proposes a set of software for sound ray calculating , which can calculate the traces and the travel time of the rays in the sound field and search the eigenrays arrival at the receiving point 本文基于射线声学理论编制了一套声线计算软件,软件可以计算声场中的声线轨迹和传播时间以及搜索到达接收点的本征声线。
With quick development of acoustic theory and increasing maturity of sound intensity measurement method , it is more and more important to develop a quick real - time sound intensity sampling and processing system 随着声学理论的快速发展和声强测量方法的日益成熟,使得开发一种专用快速的实时数据采集与处理系统显得尤为必要。
Abstract : the paper deals with the method for separating and shielding the environmental interference effectively in sound - level detecting converter slagforming by theoretical analysis of acoustics , and the way to detect the available blowing sound 文摘:通过声学理论分析,阐述了在音平检测转炉造渣过程中有效隔离和屏蔽干扰的方法,以及如何优化检取有用吹炼噪声。
But it is not the same with surd or the alternation of sonant and surd . on the base of the acoustics , a whole linear time - varying discrete speech produce model is established through anatomising the factors including track , driving source and lip eradiation the mechanism of speech in this paper , and we draw a conclusion that the time between glottal closure is pitch period 本文从声学理论出发,剖析了语音产生的机理,综合考虑声道、激励源和嘴唇辐射三方面的因素,建立了一个完整的、线性的和时变的语音产生的离散系统模型,得出两次声门闭合事件之间的时间间隔就是基音周期的结论。
After reviewing the history and recent developments of the research on thermoacoustics , and introducing the classical thermoacoustic theory , we carry out the following investigations : 1 ) thermoacoustically driven pulse tube refrigerator ( tadptr ) experiments have been done on the self - built pulse tube refrigerator driven by standing wave thermoacoustic prime mover system 本文首先回顾了热声机械的历史及现状,详细介绍了热声学理论基础,重点研究了以下若干问题: 1驻波型热声驱动器驱动脉管制冷机在自行搭建的驻波型热声驱动脉管制冷机实验装置上进行了实验研究。
After a detailed review on the historical developments of the research on thermoacoustics , as well as the latest advances in this field , prospective applications , and a survey of theoretical fundamentals , the present work focuses on the following sections : 1 ) standing wave thermoacoustic prime mover an experimental setup of standing wave thermoacoustic prime mover has been built up with brass matrix as the thermoacoustic stack 本文首先回顾了热声热机的发展历史及最新成就,在详细介绍热声学理论基础以及热声机械设计原则之后,重点研究了以下若干问题: 1驻波型热声驱动器建立了我国第一台实用驻波型热声驱动器试验台,并进行了实验研究。
Abstract : on the basis of the analysis about noise sources of the air compressor , it shows that air dynamic noise is primary one . according to the theory of fluid mechanics , the mathematics model of the air compreesor air dynamic noise is found , which shows the relationship between the sound power level and other parameters . the knowing noise of the air compressor " s air dynamic is of low frequencies . the reliable data is provided for the noise and vibration control 文摘:通过对空压机噪声源的分析,确认空压机噪声源中的空气动力性噪声为最强;由流体流场的声学理论,建立空压机动力性噪声源的力学模型,它表明声功率与其它参数的关系;并知空压机的空气动力性噪声呈低频特性,这为噪声及振动控制提供了可靠的依据