Research of high efficiency acousto - optical modulator 高效声光调制器研究
It is quite important that the stability of signal ’ s amplitude which is modulated by the acoustooptic modulator 声光调制器的输入调制信号的振幅稳定性就显得尤为重要。
The detecting accuracy of the beam drift would be improved , as a high performance acoustooptic modulator modulates the frequency of the laser beam drift signal far away from the power frequency , the double power frequency and high frequency noises 具体包括: 1 .利用声光调制器将光束漂移量信号调制到远离工频及其倍频干扰和高频噪声的频带段,以期提高光束漂移量的检测精度。
The systematic essence of the laser scanning is an optical scanner system . it is basically from laser instrument , modulating device , deflection device , optical system , regulating and feed backing device and detector etc . to make up partly 本文针对激光扫描系统中的激光光束的光强稳定和文字信息的脉冲调制,详细讨论了如何利用一个声光调制器( aom )同时实现实时稳光和脉冲调制的问题。
Currently they are fabricated by lithographic process , which is very expensive and time consuming since it is a several step process . the laser direct writing system is the kind of tool that exposes the precision patterns by the micro - spot on the photosensitive material 所谓激光直写,就是利用聚焦的激光光束,由计算机控制声光调制器的通断以及平台的移动,在光刻胶上进行曝光,经过显影后得到所需要的图形。
The modulating signal is generated in the way of direct digital synthesizer technology . the signal has many characteristics such as ultra wide frequency bandwidth , ultra high frequency resolution and ultra good phasic continuity , etc . thus it can be achieved the high frequency and amplitude stability of the modulating signal 本文采用了数字频率合成技术( dds )来产生调制信号,它具有超宽的频率带宽、超高的频率分辨率和相位连续性等特点,可以实现声光调制信号的频率和振幅的高稳定性。
Based the research on the laser beam drift feedback control technique , analysing the beam drift and its frequency components , a laser beam directional stability method is studied in the thesis in detail , with its measurement and control circuit system that combines the laser beam intensity modulation and the beam drift feedback control technique . in this method , at first the laser beam intensity is modulated with the acoustooptic modulator , then the lock - in amplifier is applied to detect and demodulate the modulating signal , at last a feedback control signal is generated by the dsp control circuit at last , including : 1 本文在原有的激光光束漂移量反馈控制准直技术的基础上,对光束漂移量信号的数据和频谱进行了分析,重点研究了一种集声光调制光强与光束漂移量反馈控制准直技术于一体的激光光束方向稳定方法及其测控电路系统,该方法通过声光调制实现光强调制,接着通过锁相放大电路检测并解调调制信号,然后通过dsp控制电路进一步对光束的漂移量进行反馈控制。