撤退 1.(放弃阵地或占领的地区) withdraw; retreat; pull out 安全撤退 make good one's retreat; 撤退方向 the line of withdrawal; 部队正在慢慢地撤退。 the troops are being gradually withdrawn. 敌军全线撤退。 the enemy is in full-scale retreat.2.[计算机] fallback 撤退时间 post-set time
士兵 rank-and-file soldiers; privates 挑选士兵 pick soldiers; 训练士兵 train soldiers; 一连士兵 a company of soldiers; 士兵列队站好。 the soldiers were lined up. 士兵必须服从长官。 soldiers must obey their officers
Why did the soldiers blow up all the bridges when they retreated 为什麽士兵撤退时把所有的桥炸得粉碎呢?
At ten oclock the infantry , who had been in advance of the battery in the bushes and about the stream kamenka , retreated 十点钟时,原来在炮垒前面矮林里和在长缅长河沿岸的士兵撤退了。