水渍 water logging◇水渍损害保险单 water damage insurance policy; 水渍险 [经] with particular average (w. p. a.)
墨水 1.(墨汁) prepared chinese ink2.(钢笔用的水) (writing) ink 红墨水 red ink; 黑墨水 black ink; 衣服上沾了墨水 get ink on one's dress; 钢笔是使用墨水的书写工具。 a pen is an instrument used in writing with ink.3.(学问) book learning:有点墨水 a bit of a scholar
干水渍 dried water-stains; dry water stains; dry-water stained
水渍险 assurance avec avarie particulière (ap); w.a. / w.p.a; w.a. with average; w.p.a. with particular average=with average; w.p.a.--------------with particular average; wa with particular average; water damage insurance; with average (w.a); with average or with particular average (wa or wpa ); with average/with particular average(wa/wpa); with particular average (w.p.a); with particular average (wa or wpa); wpa,with particular average
Can you tell me how to make these ink stains come out 你能告诉我怎么除去这些墨水渍吗?
The letter had many blots and blurs 信上有许多墨水渍和污迹。
I ' ve washed this shirt twice and the ink still hasn ' t come out 这衬衣我已洗了两遍,墨水渍还没洗掉。
Or the inkbottle i suggested with a false stain of black celluloid 找还建议做个墨水瓶的广告,用黑色赛璐珞充当流出来的墨水渍。
Ugly and futile : lean neck and tangled hair and a stain of ink , a snail s bed 长得丑,而且没出息,细细的脖颈,其乱如麻的头发,一抹墨水渍,蜗牛窝。
On his cheek , dull and bloodless , a soft stain of ink lay , dateshaped , recent and damp as a snail s bed 他那灰暗而毫无血色的脸蛋儿上,沾了块淡淡的枣子形墨水渍,刚刚抹上去,还湿润得像蜗牛窝似的。
The word sums was written on the headline . beneath were sloping figures and at the foot a crooked signature with blind loops and a blot 下面是歪歪拧拧的数字,末尾是弯弯曲曲的签名,带圈儿的笔划填得满满当当,另外还有一团墨水渍。