That is , through analysis of the principle on flow control and " hydraulic transistor " , design and calculation of flow control characteristic as well as main parts in valve inner chamber , a piloted reducing valve will be installed between main valve and pilot valve . after a pressure - difference compensating reducing valve was added in the non - pressure compensating piloted reducing valve of the flow control valve in vlalvistor valve , the calculation on control characteristic emulation and load characteristic emulation has been carried out . the result of the calculation shows that after pressure compensating reducing valve was added , the linearity of the control characteristics has been greatly improved thus eliminating influence upon outlet flow by load pressure - change of the hydraulic system and improving performance characteristics of the hydraulic component 文章还在对瑞典valvistor阀的插装比例阀研究的基础上,提出了一种新的流量控制原理,即:通过对流量控制和“液压晶体管”原理的分析、流量控制特性及阀内腔主要结构件的设计计算,在主阀和导阀之间增设先导减压阀,并进一步对valvistor阀的流量控制阀之无压力补偿先导减压阀、加入压差补偿减压阀后的控制特性进行了仿真计算和负载特性仿真计算,结果表明:增设压力补偿先导增压阀后,其控制特性曲线变得非常线性,从而消除了液压系统负载压力变化对主阀输出流量的影响。