It is shown that when the exit area of secondary nozzle and the fuel / oxidizer ratio is fixed , the increase of mass flow rate of secondary flow lead to the decrease of velocity of mixed flow , and increase of total mass flow rate . the synthetical result of these two phenomenon cause the increase of thrust of rocket ejector , but the increasing magnitude is relatively small , indicating that these is no necessary to claim large bypass ratio in rocket ejector design . in the comparison between two configurations , the typical one has better performance , indicating the importance of pressure ratio 结果表明:在固定二次喷管出口面积和氧燃比的条件下,二次流(引射空气流)流量的增加引起混合气体出口速度的下降和总流量的增加,二者综合作用使发动机推力增加,但增幅不大,表明在设计发动机结构和工作参数时,不必过分追求大的引射系数;两种结构的性能对比分析表明了增压比对引射火箭性能的提高具有重要意义;对引射火箭的热力循环分析同样表明,增压比对于提高发动机性能非常关键。