There ' s a square depression in the center of the tombstone 在墓碑石的中间有一个正方形的凹陷。
Cover marble sculptures , stone tiles slabs , natural slate products , construction stuff , granite countertops , kitchen and bathroom products , garden ornaments , gravestones and monuments etc . our products are mainly exported to usa , canada , western and northern europe , and also exported to southeast asia , middle east , east europe and australia . every month about 30 containers are sent to all around the globe . in according with the principle " quality and service first " , our vision is to spread quality chinese stone products to every corner of the world 供应产自中国的石材产品:大理石壁炉洞石壁炉大理石地板大板规格板人造石复合板花岗岩雕像半身像抽象雕刻石雕石柱罗马柱板岩板材文化石瓦板花园雕刻风景石铺路石墙石蘑菇石花岗岩台面板洗手盆组合厨柜浴盆马赛克拼花窗台板门套扶手栏杆石桌石凳凉亭风水球装饰球花瓶墓碑石骨灰盒等等