Infiltration mostly depended on matric potential gradient and the effect of upslope runoff could be omitted , when initial water content was very low 当初始含水量较低时,入渗主要受控于基质势梯度的作用,上方来水对入渗几乎没有影响。
The results indicate that soil water moves from the warm end to the cool end in both gaseous and aqueous phases under temperature gradient , which causes changes of matric po 研究表明,在温度势梯度影响下土壤水分以液态和汽态两种状态从暖端向冷端迁移,从而引起暖端基质势的相应改变,导致水分在两种势梯度交互作用下逐渐达到平衡。
( 3 ) when evaporation was stopped during the process of soil water redistribution , soil water would move downslope by gravity . when evaporation was in process , due to low initial water content , most infiltrated water from small intensity and amount of rainfall would be consumed by intensive evapotranspiration during rainy season , and lateral downslope unsaturated flow seldom took place . however , soil water would move downslope by gravitational and matric potential gradients after continuous rainfall ( 3 )在防止蒸发条件下,再分布过程中,土壤水分在重力的作用下有沿坡向下运移的趋势;在蒸发条件下,由于初始含水量一般较低,雨季量小且分散的降雨极易为强烈的蒸发蒸腾所消耗,侧向沿坡向下流难以发生,但在持续的降雨条件下,土壤水分在重力势和基质势梯度的作用下易沿坡向下运移。
基质势的法语:potentiel hydrique du sol pression de succion