The moscow museums director , david sarkisian , told thesundaytelegraph : the plan was for the new berlin to be ready in1950after nazi germany had defeated the allies 莫斯科档案博物馆馆长大卫塞尔基西安透露说: “建造新柏林的计划在1940年已经完成。
The moscow museum ' s director , david sarkisian , told the sunday telegraph : " the plan was for the new berlin to be ready in 1950 after nazi germany had defeated the allies 莫斯科档案博物馆馆长大卫塞尔基西安透露说: “建造新柏林的计划在1940年已经完成。
" hitler considered the eternal city rome to be the only city in the world to rival berlin so he wanted to better it in every way possible . 塞尔基西安指出: “希特勒认为, ‘不灭之城’罗马是世界上惟一能和柏林相提并论的城市,所以他想要通过各种方式来改造柏林。 ”
Speers plans included the columns from the square and atthecentre instead of a fountain as in rome there would be ahugestatue of benito mussolini . hitler considered the eternalcity rome to be the only city in the world to rival berlin sohewanted to better it in every way possible 塞尔基西安指出: “希特勒认为, ‘不灭之城’罗马是世界上惟一能和柏林相提并论的城市,所以他想要通过各种方式来改造柏林。 ”