事实 fact 与事实不符 not tally with the facts; 事实恰恰相反。 the facts are just the opposite.; the opposite is the case.; 事实错误 error of fact; mistake of fact; 事实含糊 ambiguity upon the factum; 事实婚姻 a de facto marriage; 事实问题 question of fact; 事实真象 sober truth; 事实证据 factual evidence; 事实证明 factual proof
普济本事方 effective prescriptions for universal relief
I was carefully to state the root fact bluntly . 我很慎重地、坦率地介绍了基本事实。
The conclusion must be homogeneous with the basic facts of the science . 结论必定会与科学的基本事实同一。
Behind the reality principle lies the fundamental fact of scarcity . 在现实原则背后,存在着一个基本事实,这就是缺乏。
Let us briefly put down some basic facts concerning the computation of elasticities . 让我们简洁地记述关于弹性的计算的某些基本事实。
The long view shows us that the revolution of national independence is a fundamental fact of our era . 从长远的观点看,国家独立的革命是我们时代的基本事实。
Wild generalizations stir up racial hatred and blind us to the basic fact 野蛮(乱七八糟)的概括/归纳会激起种族仇恨,使我们对这基本事实视而不见。
Many people seem to overlook the basic fact : the major of clothing is to keep us warm and comfortable 许多人似乎忽视了这个基本事实:衣服的基本功能是保持我们舒适和温暖。
Obviously , they seem to fail to take into accountthebasic fact that a person ' s education is a most important aspectofhis life 显然,他们忽视了教育是人生重要部分这一基本事实。
Many people seem to overlook the ba sic fact : the major of clothing is & n bsp ; to keep us warm and comfortable 许多人似乎忽视了这个基本事实:衣服的基本功能是保持我们舒适和温暖。
Many people seem to overlook the basic fact : the major function of clothing is to keep us warm and comfortable 许多人似乎忽视了这个基本事实:衣服的基本功能是保持我们舒适和温暖。