Base course treatent of construction decration project 浅谈建筑装饰工程的基层处理
The base - layer should be firm , smooth , clean , diy , non - dusty and non - oily 基层处理:防水基层要求坚固、光滑、干净、干燥、无灰尘、无油污。
Some methods for base treatment of old cement concrete pavement covered with asphalt concrete 旧水泥混凝土路面加铺沥青混凝土面层时基层处理若干方法
Smearing the basic surface disposing pharmaceutical one layer . when it becomes dry , to affix the coiled material on it 涂刷一遍专用基层处理剂待干燥后方可粘贴卷材。
A construction putty powder for exterior is an auxiliary material of a coat in the course of decoration . its major function is make walls smooth as a substrate treating material 建筑外墙腻子是建筑涂料外墙装饰过程中的配套材料,作为一种基层处理材料,它的作用主要是找平墙体。