

音标:[ chéngguō ]   发音:
  • inner and outer city walls; city walls



  • 例句与用法
  • If you stay here , you will entirely experience a nice feeling in the natural life . the hotel is located at the spot of shuiwan road with convenient transportation , not far from the merchant centre in jida , next to the nicest sea view at the side of southern lover road
  • The ceramic carving of qingming shanghe tu , composed of 1352 ceramics , of 62 meter long and 2 . 48 meters high , is 100 times of the original scroll painting . the master - of - art depicted vividly the folklore people and their lives in the markets , sights of bridges , castles and boats of the age to the details . the time , efforts spent and the excellence in craftsmanship are beyond description
  • The jiayuguan pass tower , strategically located between the qilian mountain and mazong mountain , guards the east - west passageway at the western end of the great wall and is the best preserved pass . surrounded by three inner and outer walls and several lines of defense , jiayuguan was a vital military stronghold of defense
  • The ceramic carving of qingming shanghe tu , composed of 1352 ceramics , of 62 meter long and 2 . 48 meters high , is 100 times of the original scroll painting . the master - of - art depicted vividly the folklore people and their lives in the markets , sights of bridges , castles and boats of the age to the details . the time , efforts spent and the excellence in craftsmanship are beyond description
    清明上河图瓷雕按原图放大100倍,全壁总长62公尺高2 . 48公尺,全图由1352块陶瓷所烧成的,延展开来的画,生动地描绘出市井桥梁城郭舟车人物,这幅艺术画作除了费时费力,如何让每一块的图样能够契合得恰到好处,其中的功夫可是了不得的一门学问。
  • 百科解释
  • 其他语种释义
  • 城郭的日语:〈書〉城郭.一般に都市をさす.▼“城”は“内城”の壁,“郭”は“外城”の壁をいう.
  • 城郭的韩语:[명사] (1)성곽. (2)도시.
  • 城郭的俄语:pinyin:chéngguō городские стены (внутренние и внешние); город и предместья
  • 城郭什么意思:chéngguō 城墙(城指内城的墙,郭指外城的墙),泛指城市。
  • 城郭とは意味:城郭 じょうかく castle citadel
  • 推荐英语阅读
城郭的英文翻译,城郭英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译城郭,城郭的英文意思,城郭的英文城郭 meaning in English城郭的英文城郭怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
