( 5 ) based on the complete form of vertical vorticity tendency equation , the effect of spatially non - uniform heating on the formation and variation of subtropical high is discussed ( 5 )运用全型垂直涡度倾向方程理论,研究了空间非绝热加热在垂直方向的变化对副高强度和位置变异的影响。
Using ncep / ncar daily reanalysis data and scsmex data , an investigation is carried out of the relationship between the position variation of the west pacific subtropical high ( wpsh ) and the apparent heating in june 1998 based on the complete vertical vorticity equation 摘要采用ncep / ncar再分析逐日资料和scsmex等资料,根据全型垂直涡度倾向方程,研究了1998年6月西太平洋副高位置变动与大气热源的关系。
In the second part of the paper , with employing the game reanalysis data and on the basis of the theories of the baroclinic vorticity development , this paper inferred from the dynamic analysis that the horizontal vorticity can represent the baroclinic intensity of the large - scale atmosphere , and the conversion of the horizontal vorticity converting into the vertical vorticity is actually the phenomenon that the horizontal vorticity flux of the summer monsoon owning the striking longitudinal - direction vertical structure and the strong baroclinicity , influence on the horizontal movement of the atmosphere 在第二部分,基于第一部分的结果,本文在斜压涡度发展理论的基础上,用在我国季风区具有更高准确性的game再分析资料,讨论分析了能代表大尺度大气斜压性强度的水平涡度在向垂直涡度转化的情况,说明了此转化就是具有明显经向垂直结构特征和强斜压性的夏季风环流圈将其经向垂直剖面上的涡旋通量强迫于水平运动的现象。
The accumulation and transportation of moist available potential energy and the release of the condensation heat offer the material condition for this heavy rainfall . under the condition of the air ' s movement through the stiff moist isentropic surfaces , the development of vertical vorticity of mesoscale low vortex system is accelerated due to the slantwise vorticity development , and to form stronger convective system , so as to result in heavy storm rainfall 湿有效能量的积聚和输送为强降水的发生、发展提供了充分的物质条件;由于沿陡立等熵面的空气上滑运动,因倾斜涡度发展造成了中尺度低涡系统垂直涡度迅速增加,促进了低涡的快速加强,形成强对流系统,导致强暴雨过程的发生。
In terms of the ncep reanalysis data , rainfall and temperature data from sixteen stations of china and the tbb data provided by the meteorological research institute of japan , the main features and basic rules of westward extension and withdrawal processes of the northwest pacific subtropical high ( sth ) and its effect on the weather of the east china are investigated in this paper , by composite analysis , theoretical analysis and dynamical diagnosis . based on the relation between the heating and sth , the effects of the distribution of apparent heat source beside the sth on its maintenance and westward extension are also discussed , using the apparent heating to quantitative calculate the complete vorticity equation ( cve ) . major results are as follows : ( 1 ) the variation of 500hpa vorticity in the key area ( 115 - 125 e , 20 - 30 n ) is used to indicate the westward extension process of sth 本文利用ncep再分析资料和国家气象局提供的160站降水和温度资料以及日本气象厅提供的t _ ( bb )资料,通过合成分析、理论分析、动力诊断等方法,详细分析了六月份西太平洋副热带高压的西伸过程特征,以及西太平洋副热带高压西进东退的规律及其对我国东部天气的影响,并围绕加热场与西太平洋副热带高压的相互关系这一主题,重点讨论了大气视热源分布对西太平洋副高维持与西伸的影响,并运用全型垂直涡度方程对副高形态变异的可能机理进行了研究,得到了以下主要结论: ( 1 )本文选取了关键区( 115 ? 125 e , 20 ? 30 n )内的涡度值来表示副高的西伸过程。
To the large - scale atmosphere , we separate the terms of the horizontal vorticity converting into the vertical vorticity , which considered as the baroclinic terms , from the terms that not including horizontal vorticity by the rules of the p coordinate transforming to the z coordinate in the traditional vorticity equation , and carry out the scale analysis , and then conclude that the baroclinic terms are able to reach the same magnitude grade as the partial derivative of the vertical vorticity to time when it takes place the large scale precipitation in the summer monsoon period in china . by analyzing the game reanalysis data from april to august in 1998 in the region of chinese continent , we found that the baroclinic terms is important to the large - scale cyclone developing above the 600hpa , and the magnitude changing of the baroclinic terms is nearly in - phase as the monsoon movement , so which imply exactly that the magnitude changing of the baroclinic terms is the one of the natural characters of the summer monsoon evolution and equivalent to the movement rule of the subtropical high of the western pacific 在p坐标垂直涡度方程中,利用p坐标向z坐标转换的公式将水平涡度向垂直涡度转化的所有项分离出来,这些项具有明显的斜压特征,对其进行尺度分析后,得出在可以忽略潜热释放对涡度影响的对流层中、高层,此转化项是大尺度斜压涡度发展的重要项。通过对1998年48月的game再分析资料进行实际计算也发现,转化项在东亚夏季风上升支的600hpa及以上层次对垂直涡度的局地变化贡献很大,不能忽略。同时发现水平涡度向垂直涡度的转化在南海季风爆发时和江淮梅雨入梅及发展过程中均有指示性意义,在南海季风爆发以后,在中国东南部地区,转化项的大小与夏季风的活跃和中断等活动有着几乎一致的变化规律,这从侧面也指出了,此转化项的变化是夏季风演变所具有的本质特征,并且它反映出了西太平洋副高在中国大陆的活动情况。