Like a mother, eugenie raised the hanging hand, and like a mother gently kissed his hair . 欧也妮也象做母亲的一样,把他垂下的手拿起,轻轻的吻了吻他的头发。
Lace also seems to have dripped from every possible place 蕾丝也在每个可能垂下的位置上随处可见。
Swags of tulle with festoons 垂下的有花彩的薄纱
He took delighted , sidelong glances at his son from under his thick , overhanging brows 他从垂下的浓眉下高兴地斜着眼睛看儿子。
An ornamental draping of cloth hung from the shoulders of an academic or ecclesiastical robe 垂布学者或神职人员长袍上从肩头垂下的装饰性披盖布
With one hand he was clutching at his left side , the other was clenched on the lower pistol 他用一只手按着左边的肋部,用另一只手紧紧地握着垂下的手枪。
The two strips hanging from the front of a collar as part of the dress of certain clerics , scholars , and lawyers 领带从衣领前面垂下的两条带子,是牧师、学者或律师服装的一部分
In a room without a window , there burnt a fire guarded by a high and strong fender , and a lamp suspended from the ceiling by a chain 在一间没有窗户的房间里,燃着一堆火,外面围着一个又高又坚固的火炉围栏,从天花板上垂下的铁链子上悬挂着一些灯。
The prince stood still ; his keen , stern eyes gleaming under his bushy , overhanging brows scanned all the company and rested on the little princess 公爵停步了。他那炯炯有神富于表情而严峻的目光从垂下的浓眉下向大家环顾一番,然后投射在年轻的公爵夫人身上。
A fleshy , wrinkled , often brightly colored fold of skin hanging from the neck or throat , characteristic of certain birds , such as chickens or turkeys , and some lizards 肉垂一些鸟从脖子或喉咙垂下的肉质、有褶皱、通常色彩明丽的皮肤褶皱,如鸡,火鸡和一些蜥蜴