块规激光热处理技术 technology of using laser in the heat-treatment of block gauge
Gauge blanks for screw threads limit gauges 螺纹极限量规的块规
Measuring instruments . vee blocks 测量仪表. v形块规
Specification for calibration block no . 2 for ultrasonic examination of welds 超声波焊缝探伤用2号校验块规规范
Non - destructive testing - ultrasonic examination - specification for calibration block no . 1 无损检验.超声检验. 1号校准块规规范
Steel slip gauge 钢制块规
Metallic materials - instrumented indentation test for hardness and materials parameters - calibration of reference blocks 冶金材料.测量金属硬度和参数用的仪表压痕试验.校正块规的校准