- haematopoietic necrosis
- ihn
- viral nervous necrosis
- 坏死 necrosis; thanatosis
- 症 disease; illness
- 表皮坏死症 dermomyositis
- 股骨头坏死症 perthes' disease
- 腹部脂肪坏死症 abdominal fat necrosis
- 食管和嗉囊坏死症 esophageal and crop necrosis
- 死症 ihn
- 传染性造血器官坏死症病毒 ihnv
- 鱼传染性造血坏死症弹状病毒 fish infectious hematopoietic necrosis rhabdovirus
- 鱼传染性造血坏死症弹状簿 fish infectious hematopoietic necrosis rhabdovirus
- 恐死症 thanatophobia
- 坏死 [医学] necrosis; thanatosis 局部坏死 local necrosis; 牙坏死 dental necrosis; 坏死组织 slough
- 婴儿猝死症 sids sudden infant death syndrome
- 突然死症侯群 sids
- 夜间猝死症候群 sudden unexplained nocturnal death syndrome
- 婴儿猝死症候群 sudden infant death syndrome sids; sudden infant death syndrome, sids
- 鼻坏死 necrosis of nose; rhinonecrosis
- 齿坏死 odontonecrosis
- 电坏死 electron-necrosis
- 肝坏死 hepatonecrosis
- 骨坏死 osteonecrosis
- 喉坏死 necrosis of larynx
- 坏死(名) necrosis
- 坏死;坏疽 mortification
- 坏死斑 ecthyma gangrenosa; erythema gangrenosa; necrotic lesions; necrotic patches; necrotic plaque; necrotic spot
- She says it is true what doctors have told our listener : there is no cure for retinal degeneration