- chinese journal of mechanical engineering
- 坏 bad
- 工程学 engineering
- 报 report; declare; announce
- 坏工程学士 bachelor of mechanical engineering b.m. or b.mus
- 坏工程学词典 electronic engineering dictionary
- 坏工程学硕士 master of
- 坏工程学杂志 journal of mechanical engineering science
- 过程工程学报 the chinese journal of process engineering
- 环境工程学报 techniques and equipment for environmental pollution control
- 农业工程学报 transactions of the chinese society of agricultural engineering
- 生物工程学报 chinese journal of biotechnology; sheng wu gong cheng xue bao=
- 塑性工程学报 journal of plasticity engineering
- 铁道工程学报 journal of railway engineering society
- 土木工程学报 china civil engineering journal
- 系统工程学报 journal of systems engineering
- 岩土工程学报 chinese journal of geotechnical engineering
- 照明工程学报 china illuminating engineering journal
- 振动工程学报 journal of vibration engineering
- 美国坏工程学会 american society of mechanical engineering
- 日本坏工程学会 jsme
- 中国坏工程学会 smec
- 长春工程学院学报 journal of changchun institute of technology
- 电气工程学会学报 journal institution electrical engineering
- 福建工程学院学报 journal of fujian university of technology
- 高校化学工程学报 journal of chemical engineering of chinese universities