

  • field picture



  • 例句与用法
  • This functional can describe properties of the image as a random field , the region homogeneity properties and the regularity properties of active contour
  • Test results show that the system can accurately finish the seamless mosaic of overlapped images to obtain a satisfactory image with high resolution and a seamless and wide field of view
  • Image is rotated by field . a square of a field is selected as the rotation window . it must result in distortion of the rotation window if any pretreatment wasn ’ t done such as the value insert
  • To resolve this problem , a special value - insert module is designed within fpga , and two srams are used to make storage and deal with image data by turns at the same time . the whole canceling image rotation operation has only one field delay ( 20ms )
    同时采用两片sram交替存储、处理,实现了快速整体旋转算法,使得整个消像旋处理只有一场图像( 20ms )的延时,从根本上解决了实时性问题。
  • In this paper the injection dispersion in an oscillatory flow mixer has been studied by using the flow visualization technique with a solution of blue dye as the tracer . the process of injection dispersion was monitored with a digital camera connecting to a computer that treated the video data stream synchronously to obtain the attenuation curve of relative deviation of the flow image ' s gray scale values
  • For the image with random field feature , the description language is probability distribution model , and the description length equals the negative base - two logarithm of the probability of the image data ; for the region homogeneity properties of active contour , the description language is chosen as a sign gradient map , and the description length is the summation of sign gradient inside the active contour ; for the active contour regularity , the description language is smoothness , and the corresponding description length is the length of active contour curve
  • The principle of this system is as follows . the white image of color tv will image on cmos image sensor by the telescope system , and the data of image will be enlarged , a / d changed by cmos image sensor . after dsp gathers and processes the white image of color tv , the luminance and chrominance parameters of color tv white image will be gotten
    彩色电视机白场图像经过望远系统成像于彩色cmos图像传感器的光敏感面上,彩色cmos图像传感器完成放大、 a / d等功能,最后由dsp实现数据的采集、计算,从而获得彩色电视机的白场光色特性参数。
  • 推荐英语阅读
场图像的英文翻译,场图像英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译场图像,场图像的英文意思,場圖像的英文场图像 meaning in English場圖像的英文场图像怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
