- 地热 subterranean heat; geotherma ...
- 供热 heat addition; supply heat; ...
- 成本 prime cost; cost; capitalize ...
- 地热供热 geothermal heating
- 地热供热工程 geothermal-heating project
- 地热区域供热 geothermal district heating
- 综合供热供电发电厂 combined heat and power plant
- 供热 heat addition; supply heat; supply of heat◇供热管道 heat supply pipeline; 供热量 [土] heating load; 供热能力 heat capacity; 供热设备 heating equipment; 供热系统 district heating line system
- 热供应 heat application; heat supply
- 地热 [地质学] subterranean heat; geothermal energy; the heat of the earth's interior; terrestrial heat; geothermy
- 废热供暖 waste heating
- 加热供暖 heating
- 热供应对流 heat-supply convection
- 热供应系统 heat supply system
- 太阳热供暧 solar heating
- 热成层 thermal stratification; thermosphere
- 热成风 thermal wind
- 热成土 thermogenic soil
- 热成像 heat imaging; heat-imaging; thermal imagery; thermal imaging; ti thermal imager
- 热成象 thermal imagery; thermal imaging
- 热成型 air slip forming; air slip process; thermal forming; thermoforming
- 热成形 ardeforming; forming of thermosets; hot forming; hot shaped; hot shaping; thermoforming
- 热成云 heat cloud
- 加热,辐射热供暖 radiant heating
- 供热端 hot delivery end