地处战略要地的中转港 strategically located hubs; t/s transshipping / transshipment
Technical specification of impressed current deep groundbeds 强制电流深阳极地床技术规范
In two deep well anode ground beds at tank zone of yizheng pump station , metal oxide is used as an anode material and obtains good results 在仪征泵站罐区的2口深井阳极地床中,采用金属氧化物作为阳极材料,取得了较好的效果。
Practice has proven that metal oxide material used as deep well anode ground bed has the merits of maintenability , replaceability and easy installation 实践证明,金属氧化物材料应用于深井阳极地床,具有可维护、可更换、施工方便的特点。
Graphite anode or duriron anode ( high silicon castiron anode ) is more often used in deep well ground bed for cathodic protection , but they have some shortcomings 摘要阴极保护系统在采用深井作为阳极地床时,以往使用较多的是石、墨阳极或高硅铸铁阳极,但其存在很多弊端。
This paper presents the performance of metal oxide anode material , deployment and configuration of anode ground bed , and makes contrast of grounding resistance and protective potential between metal oxide anode and duriron anode 文章介绍了金属氧化物阳极材料的性能、阳极地床的布置及结构,并对比了金属氧化物阳极与高硅铸铁阳极的接地电阻和保护电位。
In the light of theory and application , the author raised that sacrifice anode protection could be used on old fuel gas pipes in shen zhen city , and also raised the choice of sacrifice anode , detailed process calculation , the design of ground bed , execution method and detection management 本论文在理论和实际应用的基础上提出了深圳旧燃气管道宜采用牺牲阳极保护,并提出了牺牲阳极的选择、具体的工艺计算、地床的设计、施工的方式和检测管理。