- 地壳 the earth's crust
- 垂直 perpendicular; vertical; squ ...
- 变形 be out of shape; become defo ...
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 地壳垂直变形作用 cymatogeny
- 地壳垂直运动 vertical movement of the crust; verticalmovementofthecrust
- 垂直变形 vertical deformation
- 地壳垂直运动构造 vertical tectonics
- 现代地壳垂直运动 recent vertical crust movement; recentverticalcrustmovement
- 地壳垂直或倾斜移动 epeirogeny
- 垂直变差图 vertical differential chart
- 垂直变位 vertical dislocation; vertical displacement; vertical shift
- 变形的 aeroelastic; amoeboid; anamorphic; bastard algol; deformative; degenerative; distorted; distortional; metabolic; metamorphic; metastatic; modified; out of shape; paraplastic; protean; tra figured(mi haped,deformed); transmutative; versiform
- 变形的, 畸形的 malformed
- 地层垂直变化图 vertical veriability map
- 岩性垂直变异图 interval-entropy map
- 地壳变形 crustal deformation; diastrophism
- 地壳缓慢变形 secular crustal deformation
- 变形虫形的 amoebiform
- 变形的algol语言 bastard algol
- 变形的电影 distortion
- 变形的过程 deformation history
- 变形的模 distorted pattern
- 变形的生活 powaqqatsi
- 变形的完成 amodal completion