- 地势 physical features of the lan ...
- 倾向 be inclined to; prefer
- 地势 physical features of a place; relief; terrain; topography 地势险要。 the lay of the land is such that it has strategic importance.; the terrain is strategically situated and difficult of access.; the surrounding terrain is of great strategic importance.; 地势高度 geopotentia; 地势图 hypsometric map; relief map
- 低地势 low relief
- 地势图 chorography; hy ometricmap; hypsographic map; hypsometric chart; hypsometric map; landforms map; morphological map; plan with contour lines; relief map; reliefmap
- 地势学 topography
- 高地势 high elevation
- 相对地势;有效地势 relative relief (available relief); relativerelief(availablerelief)
- 有效地势;相对地势 available relief (relative relief); availablerelief(relativerelief)
- 比较地势学 hypsography
- 标示地势 marked relief
- 大洋地势图 general bathymetric chart of the oceans, gebco; generalbathymetricchartoftheocea
- 倒转地势 inverted relief; invertedrelief
- 等高线;地势;地形 contour
- 地势表现法 orography
- 地势的起伏 relief n. elevation of land surfaces
- 地势低洼的 low―lying
- 地势地形 topography
- 地势分析 terrain analysis
- 地势高度 geopotentia
- 地势模型 relief model; reliefmodel
- 地势平缓 the terrain slopes gently
- 地势剖面图 distance diagram
- 地势起伏 hypsographic feature