

  • over the past two years



  • 例句与用法
  • In the past couple of years , lidar technology has become mature and more reliable systems are now available in the market
    在过去两年间, lidar技术日趋成熟,市场上亦有较多性能可靠的产品可供选择。
  • In the past couple of years , lidar technology has become mature and more reliable systems are now available in the market
    在过去两年间, lidar技术日趋成熟,市场上亦有较多性能可靠的产品可供选择。
  • Under joint fa and home office rules , they must have played 75 per cent of their home country ' s full internationals during the past two years to qualify
    根据足总和内政部的条例,他们必须在过去两年间为国家队打上75 %的国际比赛方能符合资格。
  • In america , between 1 % and 2 % of estates have typically been subject to the tax over the past two decades and it has contributed only about 1 % of federal revenues
    在美国,在过去两年间,交纳遗产税的不动产介于1 %和2 %之间,它对于财政收入的贡献也仅占1 % 。
  • Apart from studying a great deal of relevant information on breeding and genetics during the past 2 years , russell has , likewise , completed a course on feline genetics study offered by cornell university , new york at the same period
    Russell在过去两年间,除了阅读及研究大量有关breeding与genetics的参考资料外,其间完成了由纽约康乃尔大学cornell university , new york举办的feline genetics course猫只遗传学短期课程。
  • 推荐英语阅读
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