- 在 exist; be living
- 上 upper; up; upward
- 造成 give rise to; bring about; c ...
- 凹痕 indenture; pitting; pit; dok ...
- 成凹 foveation
- 凹痕 indenture; pitting; pit; doke; dent; dimple; cave 地毯上放过落地灯的地方有个凹痕。 there was a depression in the carpet where the lamp had stood
- 在上 aloft; come before; in front of; overhead; supra; up
- 成凹的 concavity
- 成凹形 concavity
- 地上造型 pit molding
- 台上造模法 bench molding
- 台上造型 bench molding; bench moulding
- 凹处;凹痕 dent
- 凹痕,麻点 pit
- 刻凹痕 notch
- 刻痕,凹痕 nick
- 麻点;凹痕 pitting
- 压凹痕 indent
- 成凹陷焊缝 sagged weld
- 成凹形的 dished
- 身体成凹形 concavec torso
- 形成凹槽 riefenbildung scoring
- 形成凹地 dish
- 中间成凹形 dish