潜力 latent capacity; potential; potentiality 充分发挥一切潜力 bring all potentialities into full play; 发挥潜力 work out one's potentialities; 繁殖潜力 breeding potential; 生产潜力 productive potentialities; 挖掘潜力 exploit potentialities; tap potentials; 学习潜力 accademic potential; 致癌潜力 cancerogenic potential; 有很大潜力 have great potentialities; 你在学习上还有潜力可挖。 you have latent force to develop in your studies
土地 1.(田地) land; soil; ground 土地的附带权利义务 incident of tenure; 耕种土地 till the land; 丈量土地 measure land; 肥沃的土地 fertile land; good soil2.(疆域) territory 我国土地辽阔, 资源丰富。 our country has a vast territory and abundant resources.3.(作为财产的) dirt4.(河边; 湖边; 海边等的) front; 土地报酬 payment based on land shares; 土地报酬递减律 law of diminishing returns; 土地测量 land survey; 土地测量员 [土] land surveyor; 土地登记 rememberment; 土地法 land law; agrarian law; 土地分红 dividend on land shares; 土地改革 land reform; agrarian reform; 土地改良 betterment of land; land reclamation; 土地革命 agrarian revolution; 土地公有制 public land ownership; 土地规划 reallocation of land; 土地国有制 state ownership of land; 土地兼并 land annexation; 土地纠纷 land disputes; 土地开垦 reclamation of land; 土地利用 land utilization; 土地入股分红 receive payment on the basis of their shares of the land; pooling their lands and drawing dividends on these land shares; 土地使用费 land-use fee; 土地使用权 land-use right; right to use land; 土地使用税 land use charge; 土地使用证书 land use certificate; land utilization certificate; 土地税 land tax; 土地私有制 private land ownership; 土地所有人 land holder; 土地所有制 land ownership; 土地有偿使用 paid land use; 土地增殖税 increment tax on land value; 土地征用 expropriation of land; 土地政策 land policy; 土地证 land certificate; land deed; title-deed; 土地资源 land resources; 土地租费 land rental; 土地租赁 land leasing; 土地租约 land lease
Part three , confirming basic unit on potential evaluation of cultivated land arrange , based on the evaluation unit and the end of potential evaluation of cultivated land arrange , selecting evaluation unit on the basis of land classification 在分析土地潜力评价单元划分一般模式基础上,结合耕地整理潜力评价目标,运用二次坐标合成定位技术进行耕地整理潜力评价单元的划分。
We divided the carrying capacity of land resources into four types according to the total value of evaluation of land resources , the land potential of cities and non - farming , and the quantitative measurement of comprehensive carrying capacity of land resources 通过对土地资源总量评估值、城市与非农产业发展的土地潜力、土地资源经济综合承载力等指标的定量测度,山东省土地资源经济承载力可分为由高到低四种类型。